Thursday, April 25, 2013

Time is like a roll of toilet paper . . . .

the closer you get to the end - the faster it goes!"   Whoever made this statement knew what they were talking about!  My last post was in February and here we are near the end of April and I'm just guessing that wherever toilet paper goes, that's where my time went - down the hole!  I closed my website in January to room up space, time and  resources but it didn't happen as I thought !

I still  have a shop on Etsy under the same url: - that also  requires my  attention if I want to succeed.  I'm concluding that the problem is  "changing hats"  - I have too many roles to fill and am doing none of them any justice!  I love creating Kalico Kards and have no problem getting to it on a somewhat regular basis, then I  lock myself in for the space and time to sell them at  craft fairs on a  particular day and  I just need to show up,  and the rest is history!   Online it's different!  I have to be a psychic webmaster, photographer, writer of descriptions and tags - a  marketer and   creator.  My customers don't have faces, just names and email boxes and how they find my website amongst the millions of other card websites is a mystery!  It takes so much time and energy to find out how to do it "right" - one gets  frustrated and discouraged even before they  get started!  I've hung in there for seven years - longer than most! 

I would like to have a catalog of my more than 150 different card designs online so I can refer past customers to them and if need be, print a colored catalog with just a thumbnail and the message inside the card to distribute to those who are not computer smart or do not have a computer.  If you have any suggestions, I would appreciate hearing from you - email me at 

Thank you for your time
the kardlady

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